Fact-Checking AP’s Fact Check Clown Squad!

Fact-Checking AP’s Fact Check Clown Squad! by Emerald RobinsonĀ for Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way – SubStack

GNN Note – We have been reporting on “sudden death” and “unknown causes” of death since early 2022. We believe, and until proven otherwise will continue to believe, that Damar Hamlin is the latest victim of vaccine injuries on the field on live TV. He is simply the first in the U.S. and will probably not be the last. / END

Somebody is pretending to be AP’s “News Verification Desk” and the emails are hysterical

I just got this email tonight from the Associated Press:


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Weā€™re reaching out from The Associated Press’ News Verification Desk regarding your tweet on Tuesday following Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamilton’s recent cardiac arrest.

You tweeted: “Everybody knows what happened to Damar Hamlin because it’s happened to too many athletes around the world since COVID vaccination was required in sports.”

The post also shared a compilation video showing footage of, or headlines about, athletes collapsing on the field, suggesting the vaccines are to blame.

Numerous cardiologists we have consulted say there’s no evidence to support that theory at this time. And several of the clips shown in the compilation video have since been proven to be unrelated to the vaccines.

Please let us know if you can provide any evidence for the claims made in the tweet, or if you have any further comment.

Thank you,

AP News Verification

The video compilation in question is here.

Hereā€™s my reply to the pranksters pretending to be the ā€œAssociated Press’ News Verification Deskā€ in full:


This is the best parody email that Iā€™ve read in ages. Just the thought of the drunks, losers, frauds, and fools whoā€™ve washed up at AP trying to start a News Verification Desk and then trying to ā€œfact-checkā€ the work of real journalists is pure comedy.

Sadly ā€” as we both know ā€” no such News Verification Desk actually exists at AP.

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